Creating an Email Address

Creating an email address in the control panel creates a mailbox on the server for mail to be delivered to. In some cases this might be desired if you want to maintain full control of the email you receive, however in many cases users may wish to simply create an Email Forwarder that sets up a custom email address and sends all mail sent to it on to the address of your choice. This article will show you how to setup both methods.

  • On the homepage of the control panel you will see a section titled Mail that contains several tools for setting up email addresses. To get started let’s go to the Email Accounts page.
A screenshot showing the email section of the OU Create cPanel. There are many options there for configuring email within a Create account.
The email section of the control panel has many options. We will be focusing on the Email Accounts and Forwarders functions here.

This screen will allow us to setup an email address that uses a mailbox stored on the server. You will be able to access mail sent to this email address either through a webmail client or a desktop/mobile client directly. Enter the desired email address as well as a password to associate with that email address. You can choose to set a quota for how large of a mailbox you need, or set this to unlimited (keep in mind your quota will still be dictated by the limits of the hosting account). Once you’re done click Create Account.

You can use Create to set up an email account that will be separate from your email.

Your email address is created and it’s ready to be used. You have the choice of accessing it via the webmail options built into your control panel, or setting up a mail client directly from your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. To access these options you can click on the Connect Devices button.

A screenshot of the email accounts tool within OU Create showing an email account and the check email, manage, and connect devices optiosn.
Once you have created an email account, you can check its inbox, manage it, and connect it to your phone or other devices.

If you already have an email address you want to use like a Gmail or Hotmail account, you may wish to create an Email Forwarder instead of a mailbox. Setting up a forwarder is very simple. Start by clicking on instead of a mailbox. Setting up a forwarder is very simple. Start by clicking on Forwarders from the Mail section of your control panel homepage.

The first screen will show you any existing forwarders that you have created. To setup a new forwarding account, click Add Forwarder.

A screenshot showing the forwarders tool in OU Create. Blue buttons for add forwarder and add domain forwarder connect users to the core functionality of this tool.
Within the forwarders tool, you can see any forwarders you’ve already set up, or create a new email forwarder.

To create a new forwarding account, simply type in the desired email address as well as the email address you’d like all mail to be forwarded to. When you are done click Add Forwarder.

A screenshot of the "add a new forwarder" form in OU Create. The form asks the user for an email address and where they want to forward that email address.
Fill in the email that you want to forward and the destination that you want to forward it to.

You have now successfully created an Email Forwarder and all email sent to your custom email address will be forwarded on to the address you entered.

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